


Bring focus and energy into your side project.

Fear of missing out? Yikes.

It’s a problem many of us wrestle with.

But what if we just dropped the rope, let go of the struggle and switched our focus?

To the joy of missing out.


The joy of not trying to keep up with every new app, update and trend.

FOMO is a powerful motivator. It pushes us toward browser windows with 14 open tabs and inboxes filled with loads of unread emails. But while that fear is a powerful hedge against complacency, it robs us of the headspace we need for bigger thoughts about long-term projects. What we have to learn is the joy of missing out. Essentially, the disciplined pursuit of less.
Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism:The Disciplined Pursuit of Les

Embrace JOMO. Get more done.

Stop arsing about with things that don’t really matter.

Get time on your side.

Bring focus and energy to your side project.

And see your productivity flourish.

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