Stay curious

DO exists to help you get from where you are now, to where you could be. Learning to think differently is part of that journey. Great ideas and insight always help.

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It's Just Me.
The DO TeamBrand
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The chicken shed

Home to ideas and inspiration

The Chicken Shed is DO HQ. It’s where the writing happens.

DO started as a ‘Tuesday company’. We would meet here once a week on Tuesdays. It is in fact the old forge building on the farm. And it is rather humble. There is a small woodburner. It has a hotplate to boil a kettle. And there is just one electric radiator.

Over the years the team has grown. And so have the working days and the ideas and the projects that have come from them. Still, to this day, the Chicken Shed remains DO HQ.

These walls once forged steel. Now they forge ideas and inspiration for our community of DOers instead. We share the best of these in the Chicken Shed Chronicles, our weekly newsletter.

The DO Book co.

Useful and practical pocket guides for DOers

The DO Book Co. guides are inspirational and packed full of possibility. They are written by experts. DO Lectures speakers whose stories and ideas have encouraged others to go and DO. They are bite-sized and always useful. Each book focuses on the doing rather than the background theory. They inspire action, helping creative entrepreneurs, makers and DOers work smarter and create positive change. They are concise and beautifully crafted. They make the stuff you love easier to DO.

There are now over thirty books in the collection. They come in different languages and can be found in bookstores around the world. Plus they come in digital and audiobook formats too.

do podcasts

The stories behind the people, and the people behind the stories

The Lecture Series
Our talks as podcasts. The world's DOers share their stories to encourage you to go and DO amazing things too.
Interviews with Gav Thompson
Some of our past speakers tell us more about the challenges they’ve had to overcome to go DO amazing things.


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Registered in England & Wales. Company Number: 06772325.