Do you think attention will be easier to get or harder?
Hint: It’s not going to get… easier.
Therefore, to do better as a business, you must know better.
I have spent the last 8 months working on a course called Micro Blogs – How a 10-minute writing system will grow your business on LinkedIn.
The final online course is now finished. Ready to help you write with clarity and understand three important lessons:
Think of it as an espresso.
A double.
Small, but with one heck of a hit.
Less than 500 words.
Two minutes or less to read.
Ten minutes or less to write.
A short form of writing that gives you outsize results.
Because they are easy to you keep doing them, you build a library in your specific niche.
You become the guru.
This compounds the attention over time.
You don’t win from one blog.
You win because of all of them.
Once you have earned attention.
You can build an audience.
And with an audience comes growth.
This is where the Micro Blog System comes in.
The Micro Blog System has been built to teach you how to get attention on LinkedIn in 10 minutes a day.
Gone are the days where you spend hours perfecting a post only for it to fall flat.
The Micro Blog System approach will show you a path to scalable and sustainable attention in a noisy world.
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