Your small event looks great on Instagram, but you are struggling to keep it going in real life. That's because you're following a broken business model that no one is talking about.
You convince yourself next year will be better, but it never is.
My name is David Hieatt. In 2008 I co-founded the DO Lectures. And I had no clue what I was doing.
For half a decade we struggled.
We followed the same dumb broken business model as everyone else.
Then one day I sat down with other small event owners and I learned they were all struggling like crazy too.
"I was playing the wrong game. They were playing the wrong game. And no one is winning."
That was the moment I decided... I MUST LEARN the secrets of the other way.
It would take me another half a decade.
And yet, today we are renowned for running one of the most magical small events in the world. The talks have been viewed over 150 million times. The tickets sell out within hours of them going on sale.
So, what was the big idea that changed everything?
I call it the 'Big Rethink'.
The BIG Rethink:
These will revolutionise how you run your small event.
And those years of struggle can stop.
And the fun can return again. Yay for that.
The big idea is... you are copying a broken business model.
This is important because... it is not working for them. It is not working for you. No matter how good the photos are on Instagram.
The first secret learning is to be more worried about making a reputation than making a margin. Yes, breakeven. But sacrifice your margin and spend it on magic.
This makes sense when you understand the Secret numbers two and three.
There are no 3 Michelin-star restaurants that serve more than 45 people.
They made their reputation with a small number of customers.
So can you.
100 true fans are...more than enough.
They have friends.
If you are remarkable, they become your marketing.
The main thing to understand is your event MUST make a reputation. Sure breakeven. But spend every penny you can on your 100 attendees.
Your job, your only job, is to provide one of the most magical experiences of your entire life.
Spare nothing in that pursuit.
And because you provided one of the most memorable moments of their lives, you have quite rightly earned their trust.
You can now work out how to help your community progress towards its dreams and goals.
This is called 'Specific Knowledge.' Essentially, what do you know that your community need help with?
They will pay you well if you can do that.
In short, this money changes the entire business model.
You leave struggle and go to thrive.
In short, I have turned all this hard-fought learning, into an online course that I call The Secrets of Small Magical Events.
In this, I reveal the secrets of the other way of running events. One that works.
The business model that works. That doesn't fight you. That allows you to get the fun back.
I don’t want you to take 14 years to learn it the hard way. I want you to jump the learning curve and know the secret sauce within 8 weeks.
I have distilled all our learnings into an 8-step blueprint.
It gives you the entire secret roadmap of how to launch it, how to define it, how to sell it, how to run it, and how to optimise it.
In short, to show you the other way.
To leave that broken business model behind.
And follow a new one that allows you to make a reputation and money.
This course is not for everyone.
This is for those who have decided to run a world-class 100-person event. That is your obsession.
For you, this will be a big investment of both time and money. You know you want to leave this broken business model; you just don’t know how. I want to share my knowledge with you.
The first cohort will start April 2023. It will take place once a year. And it will only ever be a 100-person cohort.
There will be an application process. We want to make sure that this course is the right fit for you...and vice versa.
You will hear back from us within 24 hours after we have spoken to you.
“In total, it had taken me 14 years. Along the way, I made every mistake in the book. And I spent over £1.6 million learning it.”
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