What happens if you stop chasing the elusive big win?
And do what someone else that has ALREADY proven works.
What if you do this on repeat x10?
What if you put all those small wins together?
“This worked for me. It could work for you”
It is never one thing. But a bunch of things all pushing you forward at the same time.
This is what I call ‘Cluster Breakthroughs.’
This 1 day Mastermind will bring all these cluster breakthroughs together in one day of magic and high energy.
I believe someone ALREADY knows the answer to the problem you are trying to solve.
That is why Masterminds are powerful.
A Mastermind that uses the brilliance of everyone in the room is a Mastermind with a booster rocket attached.
And that's exactly what this 1 day Mastermind is all about.
Before the Mastermind, Mike and I will send you a video of our 25 Ways to Thrive in 2025.
On the day, we will ALL share our incredible insights.
Remember, someone has ALREADY solved your problem.
You have ALREADY solved someone else’s problem.
The problem is, we are not talking to each other.
Is this for me?
Founders. Entrepreneurs. Company of ones.
If you don’t run a business, this day isn't for you.
I am a recovering introvert too. Here’s the thing I think about:
Everyone in the room wants you to win. Everyone in the room wants to help you. We just need to find out your story, so we can then work on helping you. Everyone will have your back.
This is not going to be Mike and I talking for 8 hours. This is the collective wisdom of the entire room.
This will be noisy. High energy. And fun. The amount of knowledge shared will be incredible.
I get it. You will get the video of the 25 ways to thrive before you come to the workshop.
So the workshop will be more about everyone sharing, than everyone listening to the two of us. That will be a different energy.
We are here to help our community and provide incredible value.
If this workshop wasn’t right for you, then we will give you a full refund. No questions asked.
The idea here is how do we help you make it easier to do your business. The idea is to find those small wins that produce collectively a big win.
If you want to make your business easier, then this is for you.
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