Reading list

10 Books To Ignite Your Creativity

Written by Graham FinkCreativity

by Jerry Saltz

How to Be an Artist

Pocket size book written by one of the top art critics in the USA. Simple. Direct. Easy to read. Makes a whole bunch of great points. I’ve sent it to a couple of artist friends of mine. One of whom changed his whole style as a result and his work is infinitely better.

by Max Tegmark

Life 3.0

Fascinating. Written as a kind of discussion with the reader. Is AI going to take over? How might it happen and what can we do? How will we change as a human being as technology starts to enhance our lives. This is one of Elon Musk’s favourite books. And apparently Barack Obama’s too.

by Keith Johnstone

Impro For Storytellers

I don’t normally tell anyone about this book. So, keep it to yourself. It’s been really helpful in learning how to work with groups of people, running workshops, hothouses, or just making me wonder about ideas and how they can grow. It’s written by a director for the stage. He also wrote plays and acted. He is seen as a bit of a maverick and is well respected. Broke a ton of rules and worked with actors in new ways. One of the most interesting books I’ve read. Shhhh. Don’t tell anyway else about it!

by P. D. Ouspensky

In Search Of The Miraculous

I remember reading it over one Christmas period and felt my brain cracking the further I read. It’s about the amazing character G Gurdjieff and his ideas. It blew me away. It really did change my life.

by Paul Arden

It’s Not How Good You Are

The first ‘good’ is printed in silver. The second ‘good’ is printed in gold. A pocket size book that you should have on your desk at all times.

by Peter Biskind

Easy Riders, Raging Bulls

About the movies of the late 60’s, 70’s, early 80s. The stories of the ‘behind the scenes’ make you wish we were back there. Brilliant.

by Joseph Campbell

Pathways To Bliss

Anything by this great man is a must read. Also, listen to the audio series Power Of Myth he recorded at SkyWalker Ranch. I’ve listened to them many times over. Amazing storytelling and what an engaging guy Mr Campbell is.

by Carl Jung

An Autobiography

Easily the most accessible of Jung’s books. It’s more a story about Jung’s life and his early ideas that lead to his breakthrough ideas. His meetings with Freud, his travels through different cultures, and of course his dreams... which in turn, affected mine.

by Amy Chua

Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother

When I moved to China this was the first book I read. A very different viewpoint to bringing up our children in the West. Fascinating.

by Malcolm Gladwell


How we intuitively make instant decisions and they are often right. Perfect if you need ideas fast. This guy always has an interesting point of view. Outliers is also excellent.

Written by
Graham Fink
Creative Director + Multi-media Artist
Graham Fink is one of the world’s most respected and highly awarded creative minds. Creative Director. Multimedia Artist. Agent to Sophia (Humanoid Robot), he has worked across 3 continents and with thousands of clients. He has built brands from scratch and helped tired brands to soar. He has worked with $100 million budgets and $10,000 ones. He has even won 4 BAFTAs. People in advertising don’t win BAFTAs. Nobody understands the power of crea...

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