100 days of morning sea swims.
Back in late September, a friend asked me if I wanted to go for an early morning sea swim.
I didn’t.
So it came as a surprise to him, and me, that I said yes.
I don’t like the cold.
We go most days, except Saturdays. Or when we have stuff going on.
My observations.
- Doing hard things helps you do hard things.
- Doing hard things builds respect for yourself.
- Buy gloves when your hands are too cold to open the car door.
- You are not in until you put your head in.
- The buddy system is powerful. I go when I don’t want to because I don’t want to let my mate down. He says the same. Hmmm.
- I learnt the beach is a different beach each day. Ditto for the sea.
- Coffee helps. (Thanks Extract.)
- I understand why CEO’s who surf strive to run low-impact companies.
- 80% of sea swimmers in the morning here are women.
- The sea provides context to stress and overwhelm. It’s a reset.
- Waves give you energy even when you have none.
- I didn’t feel the need to post about it. I was doing it to impress myself.
- We used to text each other to check if we were going. But now we just turn up.
- Someone once left us warm cake and coffee. That was a moment.
- I now understand why people keep doing it. It does something to you.