
Rose Styron

Poet, journalist, and international human rights activist.

"Be open to everything. Expand your life any time you have a chance."

Rose Styron is a poet, journalist, translator and international human rights, activist.

She’s published four volumes of poetry (Viking, Rizzoli).

She travelled widely for Amnesty International and other Human Rights organizations and has chaired PEN’s Freedom to Write Committee and the RFK Human Rights Award.

In 2009 and 2010 Rose was a resident fellow at Harvard’s Institute of Politics, and is currently working on a new volume of poetry and a memoir.


Rose Styron wrote her first poem at 8 years old and published her first one at 9. But her life as one of America's finest poets has been weaved with many other tales. This talk explores her work with Amnesty International and the civil rights movem...
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