
Tamsin Osmond

Climate Campaigner


Since dropping banners against Heathrow Airport’s third runway from the roof of the Houses of Parliament, Tamsin has consistently shifted the public conversation on the climate and ecological emergency.

A founding member of Extinction Rebellion, they have organised (and been arrested for) a number of high-profile protests, co-founded a Suffragette-inspired environmental group called Climate Rush, formed ‘The Commons’ political party, co-ordinated (the successful) Save England’s Forests coalition, and led global corporate campaigns as Head of Global Campaigns at Lush Cosmetics.

Tamsin is active in queer uprising, a theatre maker, and the author of RUSH! The Making of a Climate Activist (Marion Boyars, 2009). Tamsin's latest book, 'DO Earth; Healing strategies for humankind', launched in September 2021.

They are also standing as a candidate for Co-Leadership of The Green Party.


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